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Aug 24, 2015

Joshua Benner, PharmD, ScD, is the Founder of RxAnte, a provider of science-based information technology solutions for improving quality and lowering the cost of healthcare.

In August 2014, Dr. Benner was named the Executive Vice President of Strategy and Corporate Development for RxAnte’s parent company, Millennium...

Aug 17, 2015

John R. Seitz is UST Global’s Healthcare Transformation Strategist. As Healthcare Transformation Strategist, John Seitz plays a key role in building and developing value-focused relationships in health care.

He is a high-energy leader with an entrepreneurial perspective that allows him to identify opportunities and to...

Aug 8, 2015

TJ is a designer at heart and a pharmacist by training. He started his career at his family’s long-term care pharmacy in 2004, and has worked at Target pharmacy, a local community pharmacy, and Massive Health (acquired by Jawbone). He holds a Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) degree from Massachusetts College of Pharmacy...

Aug 4, 2015

Geraldine Gueron, PhD.

Geraldine Gueron is a molecular biologist. She earned her Masters and PhD degree in Biological Chemistry at the School of Sciences, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina. She is currently working in the field of molecular oncology. She has obtained several awards, of note the Prostate Cancer...