Oct 10, 2019
In this health care podcast, Pam Arora, SVP and CIO at Children’s Health in Dallas, talks about the work she and her team are doing. Spoiler alert: It’s pretty visionary. They have integrated telemedicine solutions in schools and in patients’ homes. They’ve also been monitoring adherence to vital transplant meds by putting chips on the capsules. They have initiatives happening with voice and GPS technology. I asked Pam what it takes to get all of this done while, at the same time, balancing the usual suspects—the EHR upgrades, the security patches, the virtual desktops, the inevitable panic of the month.
Pam explains her answer far more eloquently than I’m going to be able to recap here, but in a nutshell, she says it’s all about getting the fundamentals right. A hospital, a health system, needs a capable, robust EHR infrastructure that really works. She further adds that attaining that infrastructure takes a lot of things, but one of them is a relentless attention to the details, particularly the details around what exactly and specifically patients and their families want and need.
I met Pam at the NODE.Health conference earlier this year in New York City.
Pamela Arora serves as
senior vice president, information services, and chief information
officer (CIO) and is responsible for directing all efforts of the
information services groups in the organization. Her oversight
encompasses systems and technology, health information management,
and health care technology management and support.