Jan 11, 2018
Juan Pablo founded Babyscripts in 2014 with the vision that internet - enabled medical devices would transform the delivery of pregnancy care. Since 2014, Juan Pablo has been named a Healthcare Transformer by the Startup Health Academy in New York and a Wireless Lifechanger by CTIA for his work in detecting problems in pregnancy faster. Juan Pablo is also the architect of the first "Prenatal Care Moonshot" focused on eliminating preterm birth by 2027 through mobile/digital technology and Babyscripts has been named Champions of Change in Precision Medicine by Barack Obama and the White House.
Juan Pablo has raised $8.6 million in venture/angel financing for furthering his vision of a data centric model in prenatal care which includes the recent closure of a Series A of $5.5 million. He has orchestrated large partnerships with General Electric and their Healthymagination initiative and the March of Dimes specifically targeting the elimination of premature birth. He has also led the Babyscripts sales team, closing large hospital deals with more than 13 health systems around the country and successfully signing a co-development deal to build an at-risk product with Aurora Health Care in Wisconsin.
Juan Pablo is a frequent speaker on the future of health care. He has spoken at the mHealth Summit on "How to Demonstrate Value in Digital/Mobile Health," at the national HIMSS conference on "Establishing ROI and Forming Partnerships: Digital Health Dating," and at the Bio+Tech conference on "Collaborating for Patient Engagement." He has pitched and won Startup Competitions at SXSW at their Barracuda Bowl and the 1776 Healthcare Challenge Cup. He has also been invited to share his thoughts on podcasts and write op-ed articles on startup fundraising and the future of health care. He was recently interviewed by Medistrategy and wrote "3 Musts for Raising Your First Round" and "Why Disruption in Health IT is like a Tiramisu Cake."