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Jun 29, 2023

Thanks for joining me as we kick off the summer season. Here’s what we’re gonna talk about today in our 10-ish-minute conversation. Keeping it short and sweet.

First up, we got three super interesting voice messages left by your fellow members of the Relentless Tribe that I wanted to share with you. Next up, I will cover plans for the summer, because this summer, we have plans.

And then after that, just wanted to chat a little bit about what I am up to right now.

Agenda item #1: Episodes 399 and 400 of Relentless Health Value were me sharing my manifesto as it were. At the end of the show, I said that if you have a manifesto of your own, to share it by going to and hitting the orange leave a voice mail button. Doug Pohl, CEO of HealthTech Content, did so; and here is what he had to say:

“My name is Doug Pohl. I’m the founder and CEO of HealthTech Content, and I'm pretty frustrated by the lack of progress toward making the improvements we need for healthcare. So, I put this out there to sort of be a bat signal for anyone else who feels the same way I do but to also hold myself accountable to be congruent outwardly with how I feel inwardly. No longer will I accept healthcare’s prioritization of the bottom line. No more will I ignore the flagrant victimization of our society. I won’t sit silently while shortsighted greed ruins families. I don’t accept a profit-first model that kills people daily. I can’t let complacency keep me from taking action. I won’t let my voice wither away in fear. I can’t—and I won’t—remain quiet. I believe in the potential of regular people. I know how powerful we can be working together. Every one of us is affected by healthcare eventually, and it will take all of us to create the healthcare we deserve. The first step is rejecting the status quo. I’m tossing it out the window. How about you?”

And now let me share two more voice mail messages, and here’s why they both are meaningful. We know that this journey to transform the healthcare industry in this country can be long and slow and, at times, lonely. But together we are stronger and more able to help patients receive the care that they need and deserve at a price that we all can afford. So, thank you for being part of our community, and here’s two perspectives on why you being here matters.

Here’s a voice mail from Justina Lehman from the Infinite Health Collaborative (iHealth):

“When you are in the work of creating change in healthcare and really working to align with value for the patient, value for the physician, the clinician so they have an environment that they can thrive in, the work can feel hard. And it can feel lonely, and you can feel on an island. And Relentless Health Value podcast is your people. We often say this in our team of … when you look to that podcast, you’re reminded of all the amazing people across this country doing incredibly meaningful work. And linking up with one another can create that strength and help you with your resiliency, especially on those days where you’re feeling down and that the work is hard and that you’re doing it alone. And sometimes you may even question: Is this work of value? Will it be valued of others? The Relentless Health Value podcast, Stacey, all of her guests have really been those people for us. Not uncommon for us to share podcasts amongst each other during the work of reminding each other of the people out there doing great things. So, so incredibly grateful for what Stacey’s built and for all the guests that have been on her show and the value it’s adding and the support it’s giving to those of us who are out in the trenches trying to make this happen. So, thank you, Stacey.”

And here’s a message from Amy Scanlan, MD, who was also a guest on episode 402:

“Hi, Stacey. It’s Amy Scanlan. Wanted to say thank you for your latest episode. It’s so helpful to be reminded that, even though we’re making little steps, we are making progress and we’re part of a greater movement. Thanks so much for the inspiration and for always doing the good work.

Bottom line, here’s my point and call to action: Share this show, especially with colleagues, with anybody trying to find a path forward who may be helped by a little companionship along the way. I just got a note, in fact, from Rajiv Patel, MD, MBA, FACP, from Bluestone Physician Services, and he wrote, “I am only a six-month listener and pretty upset to have not found this podcast earlier.” So, help spread the word and there are some people out there—not everybody, but some people—who you would be doing, frankly, a great service to. It sucks to feel alone.

Agenda item #2: Let’s talk about our summer plans here at Relentless Health Value. These plans are made possible because I am a collector. I grew up in Pennsylvania Dutch country. What can I say? We don’t throw things away. We get a recycled jar and start throwing, I don’t know, old keys into it until—it’s like a magic trick, really—suddenly we have a collection of old keys. You know you’re a collector when you have to buy a Brother P-Touch label maker because you have so many collections you require fancy labels to keep track of them all.

Here’s why this is relevant to you: Over the past year or so, I started collecting the sound bites that we had to cut from our episodes. I’m not talking about bloopers. I’m talking about really good insights and information but on a topic that maybe was slightly off-topic from the main thrust of the episode or sometimes just a little too long. I try to keep our shows around the 32-ish-minute mark because … yeah, you people are busy.

At a certain point, though, I realized I had maybe half a dozen of these 5- to 10-minute clips. So, that’s what we’re doing this summer. We’re going to play a drawer of, I’ll call them, “Summer Shorts.” Get it? Summer shorts? These shorts are all with previous guests, and each short shares one or two very concise insights.

I have about seven shorts in this drawer, so this will take us through most of the summer. There will be an episode or two sprinkled in. We have one on deck from Larry Bauer, who goes through some really heartwarming bright spots in the delivery of healthcare, and another one from Dan Serrano talking about CKD (chronic kidney disease) from a financial modeling standpoint.

We’ll see how it goes. Feedback is welcome.

Speaking of bloopers, though, after 400 or whatever shows, I have to say I’m very blasé about bloopers as you will discover if you ask me about them, which many people do. I’ve heard them all what feels like a thousand times each: the ambulances, the helicopters, the lawn guys, the kids screaming about not wanting to give their germs to the dog (come to think of it, I should have saved that one), squirrels in the mini blinds, dogs barking, obviously the cat on the keyboard, the ice machine, the doorbells, things beeping, an occasional rooster.

I always just delete them because guests get embarrassed. But yeah, I probably have enough audio to put together a game show entitled Where Is the Guest Working From— Home, Hospital, Office? Answer correctly and win prizes.

That was a detour. Back on track now.

One of the other reasons for doing summer shorts is because … wow, I am really busy. QC-Health®, the benefit corp that I’m co-president of, is working really hard in the CKD space. Right now, we are collaborating with several provider organizations—amazing ones, if you ask me—trying to co-design with PCPs in a very helpful way (ie, a way that is intrinsically motivating) to diagnose CKD earlier, slow disease progression, and help their colleagues do so, too.

Considering that 50% (five-oh percent!) of patients who go into dialysis crash into dialysis in the ER (ie, they go to the emergency room for something or other and, while there, they are told that the root cause of their problem is “Oh yeah, you have end-stage renal disease [ESRD] and need to be on dialysis,” which costs, what, a quarter million dollars a year [according to a study in JAMA Network Open]). Oh, and also, two out of five of those patients who crash into dialysis—this is sad—had no idea they even had CKD, meaning they had no chance to slow their disease progression even if they wanted to. So, lots of work to be done there.

This said, if you are working on anything that has to do with CKD, hit me up. There may be some alignments that we could explore.

The process that we are using here to address and try to level up CKD outcomes is the same process that we used in the chronic liver disease (CLD) space, in which we improved the use of clinical guidelines for end-stage liver disease by 23% in about six months nationwide. Yeah, I know. I actually have a day job and do real work.

Now, I will say that if you have a drug in the CKD space or a device or you are an ESRD value-based provider … yeah, call me kinda quick. It’s humbling and nice validation the number of folks who are interested in working with us, but we don’t want to bite off more than we can chew.

Moving on, here’s some more news about me. Thanks so much to the Validation Institute for awarding me Healthcare Influencer of the Year. That was a really cool surprise, and I am looking forward to picking up the award in DC at thINc360. So, that happened.

I’m also looking forward to giving the keynote at the Pittsburgh Business Group on Health Symposium in September. Please come and see me there. I would love to meet you.


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Each week on Relentless Health Value, Stacey uses her voice and thought leadership to provide insights for healthcare industry decision makers trying to do the right thing. Each show features expert guests who break down the twists and tricks in the medical field to help improve outcomes and lower costs across the care continuum. Relentless Health Value is a top 100 podcast on iTunes in the medicine category and reaches tens of thousands of engaged listeners across the healthcare industry.

In addition to hosting Relentless Health Value, Stacey is co-president of QC-Health, a benefit corporation finding cost-effective ways to improve the health of Americans. She is also co-president of Aventria Health Group, a consultancy working with clients who endeavor to form collaborations with payers, providers, Pharma, employer organizations, or patient advocacy groups.


01:14 Doug Pohl’s manifesto.

02:43 Justina Lehman’s thoughts on why our podcast listeners are important.

04:05 Dr. Amy Scanlan’s voice mail.

04:39 Note from Rajiv Patel, MD, MBA, FACP.

05:01 Relentless Health Value’s plans for the summer.

09:18 Stacey’s plans for the summer.


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Our host, Stacey, discusses our #healthcarepodcast plans for the summer. #healthcare #podcast


Recent past interviews:

Click a guest’s name for their latest RHV episode!

Scott Haas, Chris Deacon, Dr Vivek Garg, Lauren Vela, Dale Folwell (Encore! EP249), Eric Gallagher, Dr Suhas Gondi, Dr Rachel Reid, Dr Amy Scanlan, Peter J. Neumann