May 31, 2016
Ted Spooner’s 22 years of broad experience in financial services, technology, digital entertainment and healthcare IT led him to co-found RespondWell in 2003. As Chairman and CEO, Ted led the company’s initial strategy for development of a new game category - fitness gaming, selling more than $80 million at retail in the global consumer fitness game category. Ted led the company’s transformation of the business, utilizing its assets for development of a Microsoft Kinect-based solution for physical therapy automation, making RespondWell the award-winning company it is today. He also leads the company's initiatives with clinical content partners such as Mary Free Bed, a leading post-acute rehab hospital and Cincinnati Children’s Hospital.
Ted was one of the pioneers of online banking, having founded Corrillian in 1997, an online banking software company with a mission to create a Microsoft-based, highly scalable transaction – processing platform to support emerging consumer and small business demand for online banking. Corillian was acquired by CheckFree Corp. for $245 million in 2007.
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