Oct 4, 2018
Stacey L. Worthy, Esq, is a partner at DCBA Law & Policy, where she counsels members of the health care industry, including nonprofit patient advocacy organizations, treatment programs and providers, recovery residences, urine drug testing laboratories, and pharmaceutical companies. As counsel to the nonprofit Aimed Alliance, Stacey provides legal insights that drive the organization’s education, advocacy, and policy initiatives.
Based on her extensive research and analysis of federal and state laws, regulations, and legislation affecting access to quality health care, Stacey authors scholarly articles for publication, drafts model legislation, develops policy positions, and assists with coalition-building efforts of allied organizations focused on advancing common goals. She is also a featured speaker at national conferences and contributes commentary that addresses important issues impacting patients with serious chronic diseases and rare conditions.
She earned her Juris Doctorate degree from the George Mason University School of Law and graduated magna cum laude from Boston’s Suffolk University.